Sardiña, Juan, DPM
4362 Northlake Blvd, STE 209
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
Dr. Juan Sardiña is a Board Certified Foot and Ankle Surgeon by ABPM, who specializes in reconstructive surgery of the foot and ankle . He graduated from Barry University School of Podiatric Medicine. He completed his residency in reconstructive surgery of the foot and ankle at J.F.K Medical Center in Atlantis, FL. Dr. Sardiña serves as an attending of the Podiatric Surgical Residency Program at J.F.K. Medical Center since 2011.
Dr. Sardiña has been trained on the latest advances in conservative and reconstructive foot and ankle surgery, traumatic and non-traumatic surgical management of the foot and ankle. Dr Sardiña also completed a Mini Fellowship in Limb Lengthening and Deformity Correction at the world renown Paley Institute. Dr Sardiña has special interest in sports medicine, ankle implant, internal and external fixation for extremity reconstruction, trauma stabilization, arthrodesis techniques of the foot and ankle joints, diabetic limb salvage, and wound care.